The importance of wind and snow resistance requirements for photovoltaic brackets 2023-12-15

The wind and snow resistance requirements of photovoltaic brackets are of great significance to the stable operation and power generation effect of photovoltaic power generation systems.


In terms of wind resistance, wind force has a great impact on the stability of photovoltaic brackets. If the wind resistance of the bracket is insufficient, it will cause the bracket to tilt, collapse, or even damage the photovoltaic modules, thus affecting the normal operation and power generation effect of the photovoltaic power generation system. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the stability and wind resistance of the bracket through reasonable structural design, material selection and installation process improvement.


In terms of snow resistance, snow covering photovoltaic modules will affect photovoltaic power generation. Snow is a natural environment, and while we can’t avoid it, we can change the design of our stands to reduce the rate at which snow accumulates. For example, solar panels can be installed at a wide angle while keeping the modules a certain distance from the ground to avoid snow covering the entire module.


At the same time, maintenance after snow is also an important part of ensuring the snow resistance performance of photovoltaic brackets. When clearing snow, you need to clean it thoroughly, and be careful not to step on the components while cleaning to avoid damage to the components. At the same time, don’t wait for the snow to stop or when the snow is very thick, because the bracket has frozen, and its performance is damaged. Cleaning after the snow stops will be very troublesome. You can use soft objects to push the snow down, or you can use tennis balls to gently bounce and vibrate on the tilted photovoltaic panels to make the snow slide off. But be careful not to scratch the glass, as this will reduce the amount of light transmitted.


In general, only by ensuring that photovoltaic supports can withstand various challenges in the natural environment can we fully realize the potential of distributed photovoltaic power generation and make greater contributions to sustainable development.

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