75% of India's PV industry import from China while 15% import from United States 2017-08-29

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At present, although India replace China as Asia and the world's fastest-growing major economies, but its power supply shortage is extremely serious. In order to solve this problem, India intends to industrial development, trade protection and other policy means to develop renewable energy industry, especially photovoltaic power generation, but nevertheless, it is still difficult to get rid of dependence on China.


According to the Indian Institute of India Brge To India published "Indian solar map (2016 edition)" shows that in 2016 the top 10 suppliers in Indian, 8 suppliers are from China, of which about 75% of the installed capacity of photovoltaic products adopted from China , 15% imported from the United States, the rest provided by the local manufacturers. As a result, India has introduced a series of industrial protection policies to promote the transformation of local PV companies that have long relied on imports. At the end of July, India launched anti-dumping investigations on photovoltaic cells and components imported from mainland China, Taiwan and Malaysia. At present, China's photovoltaic industry occupies a leading position in the global industry chain, India in the case of poor basic power gap and photovoltaic industry fall behind, that rely  solely on protective policy to get rid of China's dependence, and to achieve energy transformation is more difficult.

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