Development of Solar Tracking in China Market 2021-07-09

The factors that affect the economic type of tracking, the reasons for the low permeability of tracking in China and the future development trend are analyzed.


The main reason for low permeability are as follows:


1. Market use habits, lack of knowledge of tracking


2. In the early stage, some tracking companies provided products with immature technology, resulting in some quality problems, which affected the confidence of investors


3.Some power stations are built on hillsides and are not suitable for tracking


4. Some investors' evaluation method is MW investment cost, but ignore the generation cost and investment return rate


5.There are problems in power consumption in some areas, and more power generation does not bring more benefits


Looking forward to the future development of tracking bracket, some believes that as the country fundamentally solves the problem of power consumption through ultra-high voltage, energy storage and other means, at the same time, investors will take the rate of return on investment as the main basis for decision-making, and the penetration rate of tracker will be greatly increased.

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